Dental Care

Dental care begins with you and we’d like to be the ones pointing you in the right direction. Here are a few common ailments caused from lacking dental care and ways we can prevent and treat them.

Oral Cancer

Coming in for your dental check-up regularly can save your life. Every time you come in for your dental check-ups we observe your mouth for signs untreated; in fact early detection is critical to long-term survival. Early signs of oral cancer are quite difficult to identify without having an examination from a dentist.

Some symptoms of oral cancer are sores that bleed fluently and do not heal, red or white spots in the mouth, texture or elasticity change in oral tissue, pain, discomfort, inflammation, and numbness in the neck, face and mouth. Difficulty in swallowing, chewing, talking, feels like something is caught in the throat or a change in your voice or a pain in the ear. A lump, rough spot crust or an eroded area on the lip or in the mouth.

To avoid the risks of oral cancer one should avoid smoking, chewing tobacco and heavy alcohol consumption. Its very affective to use lip balm which contains sunscreen to protect your lips from the suns harmful UV rays or limit excessive sun exposure. People over 50 are more likely to have oral cancer diagnosed and men develop this harmful disease more than women

If you are experiencing any sores, spots or any of the above symptoms and would like to have an examination done for oral cancer or if you have any questions or concerns about oral cancer, give us a call.


Cracked Tooth Syndrome

Cracked Tooth Syndrome is a crack in a tooth that is invisible to the naked eye and most often can’t be seen on a radiograph (x-ray). Trying to detect where the pain is originating from is quite difficult since the crack can be a hairline fracture. When the cracked tooth is identified, treatment will be recommended in order of saving your tooth.

Some symptoms are encountering a piercing pain that is quite intense while you bite down that then goes away when you release your bite. Also, feeling constant pain while drinking or eating something cold or hot. If you want to avoid cracking your teeth, you can start by not chewing on hard objects, such as hard candy, ice and unpopped popcorn kernels, wearing a mouthguard at night for clenching or grinding your teeth, and wearing a mouthguard when playing sports.

A cracked tooth does not heal naturally on its own, meaning it’s important to treat the crack tooth as soon as possible before it gets unbearable. If you feel you present with one or more of the above symptoms please feel free to contact us for a consultation.


Gum Disease

Periodontal Disease, also known as Gum Disease is a chronic bacterial infection that is caused by plaque. Plaque is a sticky bacterial film that forms on your teeth, tongue and gums. Plaque needs to be removed daily with proper hygiene to prevent tooth decay and gum disease or else if left for some time it will harden into tartar. If left untreated, tartar which harbors bacteria, causes breakdown of the surrounding gum and bone, which support teeth. This breakdown of supporting tissue presents itself through “deep periodontal pockets” which your dentist would routinely measure. Healthy gums or gingiva is a healthy mouth. Gums are pink, supportive tissue not broken down and the teeth fit securely in their sockets.

Periodontal Disease first stage is called gingivitis. Gums are swollen, red and bleed easily when you brush or floss your teeth. Treatable at this stage with brushing and flossing daily and coming in for regular dental examinations and cleaning. Second Stage is periodontitis. The disease breaks down the bone and the tissue of the gums that support the teeth. Treatment is needed. The pockets are starting to deepen and fill with bacteria. Third Stage is advanced periodontitis. At this stage the pockets are very deep and might get infected with pus. Extensive bone loss that may result in tooth loss. Immediate treatment is required.

Other irritants besides plaque that may contribute to the factors of Gum Disease are tobacco, poor nutrition, grinding or clenching teeth due to stress, and some medications. Come in for an examination and we will thoroughly examine your mouth. Your gums will be evaluated for swelling, bleeding, depth of periodontal pockets. Periodontal disease is quite serious and we will work hard to make sure you and your family continue to enjoy healthy teeth and gums. If you have any bleeding of gums during routine brushing or eating please call for an evaluation.